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The Curtain Raiser Productions

The Curtain Raiser, a student-founded body, is dedicated to strengthen the social awareness and development process through art based development approach specially using the unique platform of Theatre. The organization aspires to present inspirational messages for social awakening through art and culture.Interactive theatre,documentaries,audio visual communications,social media and other art based activities are the best medium that serves the purpose.We are determined to promote art,culture and civic sense without espousing religious,ethnic,political,gender or any other biases. We are striving hard to promote intercultural harmony, through theatre and audio-visual communications that leads to develop a moderate society where noble values are respected, patience is practiced,tolerance prevails,opinions are valued and above all individual’s freedom is ensured. We enlighten and encourage our audience to become self-determined thinkers for being socially responsible and active members of the society. We intend to motivate them to participate in our art-based social development activities. We enlighten and encourage our audience to become self-determined thinkers for being socially responsible and active members of the society. We intend to motivate them to participate in our art-based social development activities.

Podcast Session

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Our Core Expertise

Street Theatre
Cultural Events & Activities
Event Management
Short Films
Radio & programs
Training Workshops


Personal Profiles

The Curtain Raiser is a students’-founded body possessing young artists belonging to different wellreputed universities having diverse experience in the field.The team members have won numerous national level nominations and awards across the country. Detailed portfolio of team members and the productions will be furnished upon further request.

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